Muller Digital – Bootstrap

Muller Digital – Bootstrap is a theme based upon the popular front-end framework Bootstrap. Developed by Twitter, Inc.

The Idea behind this theme was to create a way to bring the basic and core functionality of Bootstrap to WordPress and try to slim-down the initial Bootstrap files as much as possible. There are many customizable features in Bootstrap. A lot of those features use styles inherit to the bootstrap framework, which can be restrictive to a front-end developer trying to implement and unique design. Trying to create a clean slate for front-end developers to take any design created and wrap it over bootstrap highly functional core assets was the key motivation and purpose of creating this theme.

Many WordPress themes exist using bootstrap as a core, but tend to apply more features and more options on-top of what is already present to bootstrap

This theme does not do all the work for you; it will most likely make the implementation of a design more challenging than creating from scratch. But, the end result will be more of a robust and device-supportive build than to build from scratch. You do have to become aware of the Bootstrap ideologies and implementation methods to successfully use this theme. The end result of learning and using bootstrap is to have better control and understanding of making highly functional sites that are cross-device friendly and bring a modern look to any WordPress based site.

Bootstrap is copyright of Twitter, Inc. and is under the Apache License 2.0 (