WordPress has an issue that can be dumbfounding to say the least. An occurrence called the “White Screen of Death” can happen for really any issue; incompatible plugin, theme bug, an update to a file, etc. But it’s the blank screen with no information that is the difficult part of solving the blank screens cause.
To actually get a response from WordPress, and not just receive a blank white screen, you have to switch your site into debug mode. You can do so be editing the wp-config.php file in your wordpress root installation. Find the line:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false);
and change it to:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
this will switch your WordPress installation into debug mode and you will now most likely see an error instead of just a blank screen.
You can set to receive more error details by adding a couple of lines above the WP_DEBUG constant setting, like so:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
If you’re wondering why the debug setting is set to false, it’s to ignore general errors that can pop-up which that may not really interfere with the general function of your site, but still may occur in WordPress core files.